it takes a community to crash
brand contributor guidespring ‘24 Introducing the 747 Airlines Brand Contributor Program. Being fly isn’t hard. Staying fly is the true test of character.

At 747 Airlines, the goal is to evoke the feeling of travel that is no rules, no safety, all fun. This document is meant to establish a clear throughline of our role as an Airline providing the most luxurious inflight experience the world has ever seen. Issued under the authority of the newly formed FAT (Federal Aviation Tribune), we are obligated to provide a working manual of all graphic standards to ensure you are successfully proliferating 747 Airlines as intended.

For other non-creative focused ways to support 747 Airlines, please refer to our Frequent Flyer VIP Program

NOTE: The 747 Airlines insignia, identity, and imagery is public domain. The use of all of these assets utilizes a cc0 license. Anyone can make content , brand contributors however are given larger capabilities within the 747 Airlines project.
The Birth of 747 Air
The 747 Insignia
The 747 Logotype
Typography[soon] Supporting Assets [soon] General Guidelines [soon]
becoming a cabin crew member At 747 Airlines we value and support our brand contributors. They are the extension of us and as such, we encourage them to create a body of work that encapsulates the spirit of lawless, exotic travel. 

*Fig 1: Guide for becoming a brand contributor
Here’s how it works: 
Prospective contributors take our brand assets and create a collection of memes in accordance to our guidelines.

Prospects submit their work to our 747 Airlines Meme Intake Form (Form 707-B)

Prospects will be tagged if their work is used on our socials and added to the larger meme collection, and if the work is to be minted, they will be invited to our Zora Collection Contract to mint the work themselves.

Prospects with minted works become part of the 747 Airlines Cabin Crew where you will share in a 470M pool of $CRASH. 

Contributor to Refueling Pipeline
Minted works earn eth which enables 747 Airlines to refuel* (liquidity) all aircraft mid-flight without having to land. This refueling mechanism can happen far more frequently and significantly as our memes become collected by passengers and passerby alike.

*Fig 2: Illustration of 747 Airlines refueling mechanism


Brand Assets
Zora Collection
Token Contract
Twitter Account
Warpcast Channel
Warpcast Account
the birth of 747 Airlines There has been a recent surge of profoundly irresponsible airline corporate actors, endangering so many with its reckless lack of regulatory compliance and seeming indifference to a plummeting share price, that it has become the perfect traditional behemoth that deserves deep fried memeification. If web3 loves anything, it is an ironic roasting of the pillars of traditional finance and industry, and now is the time to go off on the airline industry in a memeified conceptual art project.*

*Fig. 3: 747 Airlines Promo Ad from 1977
747 Airlines is a satirical parody of the 1960-80's era of flight travel mainly because all of them used boeing planes and most of those airlines had multiple crashes then as much as they do now. The kick is that in our world, an amalgamation of these companies are not only the manufacturer, but an Airline, runs the FAA (now called FAT, Federal Aviation Tribune) and everything else to do with planes. It's a full monopoly.

To us, the world has always been 1965 and we have no impetus to change it. 2024 social media, golden year sensibility.

NOTE: We advise avoiding referencing “trademarks or brand names” specifically as they are notoriously litigious. Instead, let’s focus on 747 Airlines, the inference is implicit.
important events March 1958 
The 707 took off from Miami to Paris, the first 747 Airlines flight.
September 1963
747 Airlines introduced the $memberHaus coach lounge in all 747 Air Jetliners. 
July 1977
747 Airlines had flown its first one million customers.
February 1989
Cabin Crew, the first 747 Airlines Brand Ambassador Program is launched.
October 1997
The 747 Airlines website launches. 
the 747 Airlines Insignia The 747 Airlines Insignia was designed by the co-founders--Sirsu, ATM, and Anubis and adopted for use in 1956. It was retired between 1965-1993. In 1994, it was reinstated and is presently 747 Air’s official identifier. The insignia (commonly referred to as “Orbit”) reflects the history and continued promise of continuous flight (only launching, never landing). It must be included on all agency publications, displays, visual communications and markings.

The 747 Insignia contains the following elements:

*Fig. 4: Designed in 1956 by co-founders Sirsu, ATM, and Anubis, the 747 Airlines Insignia contains the following elements: The Sphere represents endless possibility, and the bodies of floating rock that soar over perpetually. The Orbit represents the cycle of flight that never ends. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of perpetual flight.
NOTE:  Strict guidelines govern the use of the 747 Insignia. The standards for the use of the 747 Insignia, the 747 Air Logotype and 747 Air Stamp are in accordance with the Creative Commons Licensing and the FAT Monopoly Act of 1973 as amended.  

747 Airlines Insignia, Logotype, and Stamp can be used as devices for other projects and purposes as they are freely remixable in accordance to our cc0 framework. However, as free use these assets are, usage does not imply endorsement of any third-party projects unless specified via our advertising, minting, dress, promotions, or similar marketing purposes by the 747 Airlines Cabin Crew.

Insignia Versions
The Insignia has 3 main variations: a one-color insignia, one-color with black rule, and one-color with white rule. The most appropriate version of the variations of the Insignia should be used based on production requirements, media qualities, visibility and approved usage.

Main-color Insigna

One-color Insigna with black rule

One-color Insigna with white rule

using the 747 Airlines Insignia
Insignia Colors
When rendering the Insignia in color, use these guidelines:

747 Airlines Main Color Insignia Colors
Configuring the Insignia
Our Insignia is made for a wide variety of configurations and layouts from print to digital media. Below is not an exhaustive list, but a comprehensive set of placements you can have with the Insignia: